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When did the Christian church building switch the Sabbath from Saturday to Dominicus?

No specific names or dates are associated with the church'southward shift from observing the holy day on Saturday to observing it on Sunday. At first, especially when many Christians were converted Jews, their holy day was Saturday. However, because the Resurrection and the beginning of Creation had both occurred on the first day of the week (Sunday), the church soon observed that mean solar day instead. (More than Gentiles were condign Christians as well, which contributed to a want to milkshake off Jewish customs.) By the cease of the first century, Sunday worship was the norm. We can assume the modify caused some friction, for in Colossians 2:xvi Paul admonishes, "Therefore do no let anyone approximate you by what you lot swallow or beverage, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath solar day."

Information technology'due south important to note that the Sabbath was not simply moved; Christians altered the observance as well as the day. Hallmarks of the early Christian "Sun" commemoration, according to Justin Martyr (ca. 100-ca. 165), included readings from Scripture (particularly the Gospels), a sermon, communal prayer, and Communion—very different from Jewish Sabbath observance. By Jewish standards, Christians don't continue the Sabbath at all.

For more information on this topic, see Christian History issue 37: Worship in the Early Church, available to order in the Christian History Store.

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